Use AI photo editing when you need it!

Neurapix Pay-per-Picture is for photographers who want to remain flexible. And for those who need occasional support with image editing. You only pay for what you have actually edited – for just 3 cents per picture.

Your photos are conveniently edited via the Neurapix servers based in Germany – all 100% compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your processing time is reduced enormously and you get very good results in a short time.

Group 9ct

Only pay for what you have edited

Group 2

Editing on Neurapix Server

Group 11

600 images per minute

Use Pay-per-Picture flexibly when you need it – without any fixed costs!

3 ct/Image*

for additional straightening:

1 ct/Image*

*VAT excl.

Try Neurapix Pay-per-Picture
Edit 1,000 images for free and let the speed of the Neurapix AI convince you! Only then will you decide what to do next.

You have these special features with  Pay-per-Picture

  • Only pay when you need it
    With Pay-per-Picture, you remain as flexible as possible and can plan your costs very precisely – in both hot and quieter phases.

  • Editing via the Neurapix server
    Simply have your images edited via our servers and reduce the load on your own hardware. All Neurapix servers are located in Germany.

  • Speed-up: up to 600 images per minute
    Benefit from the power of Neurapix AI and edit up to 600 images per minute – with the best possible quality.

You always have these benefits  with Neurapix!

From the very first image editing, you will find five free Neurapix SmartPresets in our Lightroom plugin. These include three high-quality color SmartPresets and two different black and white styles. Test Neurapix with it or simply use it permanently for your image editing!

When editing your photos, you can decide whether you also want to have them cropped by Neurapix to save even more time. The AI uses common techniques such as the “golden ratio” or “rule of thirds”. The straightening of the image (can also be applied individually!) is automatically included in the cutting. Trimming can be undone or adjusted manually at any time.

When editing images with Neurapix, you can optionally select AI-based masks – at no extra cost! Adjustments such as brighter eyes or whiter teeth can be applied to your entire shoot with just two clicks. When editing, simply select from various Neurapix mask combinations directly below your SmartPresets or use your own Lightroom masks, which are automatically recognized!

Are you proud of your Black and White style? Then create SmartPresets for it free of charge! If the classic SmartPreset creation (500+ images) includes at least 20 finished B/W photos, an additional B/W style is automatically created. If you only want to create the B/W SmartPreset, simply use the “Kickstart” option with just 20 sample edited images. To use, select your B/W look as normal in your SmartPreset list.

Neurapix operates all its servers in Germany and can therefore guarantee the best possible data protection. Your sensitive customer data is safe with us.

Constantly editing lots of images?
Then the Neurapix Flat rate is the right choice for you!

With the Neurapix Flat rate, you can have unlimited images edited and benefit from many smart features that further accelerate your workflow. Thanks to local editing on your own PC, the Neurapix plugin works even faster. Get top results in real time!

Questions? Get in touch!

We will be happy to help you and answer your questions about our product and our price packages.

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<script>function signupSuccess(num) { document.getElementById('errorhandling'+num).textContent = "Yay! You will soon receive an email filled with all the information needed to easily install and make the most out of our plugin and amazing SmartPresets.Thank you for being a part of this journey!"; fbq('trackCustom', 'SP2301'); } function signupFailure(num, msg) { document.getElementById('errorhandling'+num).textContent = msg; document.getElementById('regbutton'+num).disabled = false; } function signup(email) { return fetch('', { method: 'POST', mode: 'cors', cache: 'no-cache', credentials: 'omit', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, redirect: 'follow', body: JSON.stringify({ email, code,å magicLink: true, language: navigator.languages ? navigator.languages[0] : navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage, }), }).then((result) => result.json()); } function formatErrors(result) { if (result && Array.isArray(result.errors)) { const errors = result.errors; if (errors.length > 0) { switch (errors[0].type) { case 'AlreadyExistsException': return 'An account already exists for this mail address.'; case 'BadAffiliateException': return 'Incorrect recommendation code'; } } } return 'Unknown error - please contact us at'; } function handleSignup(num) { document.getElementById('regbutton'+num).disabled = true; document.getElementById('errorhandling'+num).textContent = "Thank you!"; let email = document.getElementById("form-field-email"+num).value; signup(email) .catch((e) => { signupFailure(num, e.message); }) .then((result) => { if (result && { signupSuccess(num); } else { signupFailure(num, formatErrors(result)); } }); return false; } function handleSignup1(){ return handleSignup(1) } function handleSignup2(){ return handleSignup(2) } document.getElementById('form1').onsubmit=handleSignup1; document.getElementById('form3').onsubmit=handleSignup2; // document.getElementById('reg3').onsubmit=handleSignup3; // document.getElementById('reg4').onsubmit=handleSignup4; </script>

Discover SmartPresets from other photographers

Du interessierst dich für spannende Bildstile anderer Fotograf:innen? Then let yourself be inspired in our SmartPreset store. Buy presets from renowned event photographers and apply them to your shoots!

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