600 images per minute: German start-up Neurapix relies on artificial intelligence for photo editing

600 images per minute: German start-up Neurapix relies on artificial intelligence for photo editing
Copyright: Formaphotography
Goettingen, January 10, 2023 | Neurapix is making life easier for photographers. Das Start-up aus Göttingen hat eine künstliche Intelligenz (KI) – genannt SmartPreset – entwickelt, die von bereits bearbeiteten Bildern lernt und diesen individuellen Stil blitzschnell in Adobe Lightroom auf neue Fotos anwendet. Vor allem Fotograf:innen mit regelmäßigen Großevents wie z. B. Hochzeiten profitieren von einer erheblichen Zeitersparnis (ca. 90 Prozent), günstigen Preisen und hoher Datensicherheit.
In its first full year on the market, Neurapix has already processed over 20 million photos using AI. More than 1,500 personalized SmartPresets have been created for photographers and are now in daily use. Neurapix is fully integrated into Adobe Lightroom through a specially developed plugin, ensuring that photographers’ workflows remain virtually unchanged, making the use of their own SmartPresets seamless and efficient.
The SmartPreset, as opposed to a traditional static preset for Lightroom, is based on artificial intelligence. This allows the SmartPreset to understand and learn from a photographer’s individual editing style through his/her past edits. As a result, it can consistently apply the learned style to future images in Lightroom, especially in various lighting situations. This capability was previously only achievable through tedious manual slider adjustments.
The SmartPreset is able to quickly set all necessary sliders for a specific editing style, resulting in a significant time savings of around 90% for photographers. Despite this automation, photographers still maintain full control over the editing process and have the ability to fine-tune the slider values as needed for their RAW files. Additionally, the SmartPreset regularly analyzes post-processing corrections and continually improves its understanding of how final images should appear.
Fair pricing model
Neurapix offers its services at very fair prices, most of which are more than 50 percent below those of its competitors. There are no fixed costs: Photographers only pay for the photos they have processed. The first 1,000 processed photos (trial phase) are completely free. After that, each photo costs €0.03, and from the 1,001st photo in a month, the price drops to just €0.02 per photo. For example, processing a wedding with 500 photos costs only €10.
Training the AI for your personalized SmartPreset is always free, as are regular improvements to the SmartPreset by the AI. Additionally, every user receives three free SmartPresets from the Neurapix Store for unlimited use.
Neurapix has also announced plans to introduce a subscription model in combination with local editing of images on a photographer’s own PC. This will offer greater flexibility for photographers who shoot a large number of events and prefer to use their SmartPreset on a monthly flat rate. The existing pay-per-picture model (PPP), which involves editing in the cloud, will remain available.
Data security via German servers
Data security is a top priority for Neurapix. The photos that are transferred for AI training and editing are processed exclusively on the company’s own servers in Germany, allowing Neurapix to ensure the security of all customer data. All processes are fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
“At Neurapix, we aim to provide photographers with a tool that helps them with the time-consuming and often tedious task of post-processing events,” says Simon Diegmann, co-founder and CEO of Neurapix. “One of the main advantages of our SmartPresets is that they can edit images in a manner that is very similar to how the photographer would do it manually. We also prioritize security and offer competitive pricing to provide photographers with the best possible deal.”
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